Fireworks and Families

My Fourth of July Memories

Independence Day is a holiday full of traditions for my family. I’m so excited for our newborn, Max, to experience his first Fourth of July. His arrival is the most exciting thing going on in our lives, and it’s been really fun to watch our other children interact with him. Our daughter, Avy, has already begun mimicking her mom in terms of taking care of the baby. Jett, our three-year-old son, is still adjusting to the fact that he’s no longer the youngest and center of attention, but I can tell he’s excited about having a little brother.

This year, I’m taking off the week before the Fourth in order to head up to a cabin my in-laws have rented in Island Park. It might be a cliché that you don’t get along with your wife’s parents, but in my case, that couldn’t be further from the truth. My in-laws are awesome! I really cherish any time I get to spend with my extended family, and this trip will be an awesome chance to get away and unwind. It will also bring back memories of the camping trips I used to take with my family when I was a boy, which were always an early summer staple.

“It’s hard to believe that bumping into my aunt and uncle at the Rexburg Fourth of July parade started a chain of events that would lead to a connection that will last a lifetime. Talk about a spark setting off fireworks!”

On Independence Day itself, we always head to Rexburg for the parade. The kids really enjoy seeing all the floats, tractors, and fireworks. They particularly love when the fire truck comes by to cool everyone off with a blast from the hose. I’ll be looking forward to the family barbecue. I’m no master, but I do like grilling from time to time. This year, though, I’ll probably leave those duties to another relative, as I’m just as content to be on the eating side of the equation.

When I think back to all the previous Fourth of Julys I’ve spent in Rexburg, there is one that stands out. Nine years ago, I graduated dental school and started working in Boise as an associate dentist in a large group practice. That summer, I went back to Rexburg for the Fourth of July weekend to be with my family. I went to the parade and happened to see my aunt and uncle, and they invited me back to their place for a barbecue afterward. My cousin and his wife were there, and we started chatting. During the course of the conversation, my cousin’s wife said that she had a best friend who was single and going to Boise State. She thought we might hit it off. The woman she was talking about, of course, was Meredith, the love of my life. It’s hard to believe that bumping into my aunt and uncle at the Rexburg Fourth of July parade started a chain of events that would lead to a connection that will last a lifetime. Talk about a spark setting off fireworks!

Here at the office, I hope you’ve noticed the new sign we finally got installed. It’s been a six-month ordeal jumping through hoops to get it approved, but I’m really happy with the way it turned out. I think it’s much more reflective of the atmosphere inside the practice. Here’s wishing everyone a safe and happy Fourth of July. May you enjoy it with your families.

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