Safe, Effective Ways to Brighten Your Smile

For whatever reason, summer is the season when we receive the most questions about whitening options. As the number of methods and tools to whiten teeth has increased, it’s become harder for patients to decide which treatment is right for them. Hopefully, I’ll be able to provide a little insight on how whitening works and how you can get safe, longlasting results.

Despite the dozens of whitening products available on store shelves and online, there are really only two fundamental ways to treat stains. The first is to treat surface level stains with over-the-counter whitening strips or toothpaste. While these methods are less intensive than other treatments, you still need to be mindful of using them correctly to avoid damaging your enamel. Whitening toothpastes, including the increasingly popular charcoal options, contain microabrasives. Too much exposure to these compounds can wear down tooth enamel, so it’s important to use them only as directed. A whitening toothpaste shouldn’t be used for every brushing session.

The second way to whiten is from the inside out. It’s more comprehensive and longer-lasting than surface-level treatments. At Eagle Dental Care, we can create custom trays for you to use during your whitening program. We’ll also provide instructions on how to get the best results from your treatment.

Many patients experience sensitivity during and after whitening treatments. Brushing with fluoridated toothpaste is a great way to limit the intensity and duration of any sensitivity. We recommend you use it during your whitening, no matter which method you choose.

Of course, preventing stains is crucial when you’ve just completed a whitening program. Dark beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine are often the major culprits for stains. Limiting your consumption of these drinks or enjoying them through a straw is a great way to keep your smile sparkling.

Here’s to a bright, shiny summer.