Taking Care of Your Baby’s Oral Health

Believe it or not, your infant’s oral hygiene is important — even before they have teeth! Bacteria can build up inside your child’s mouth, causing harm to their gums and, eventually, their teeth. Though children’s teeth are temporary, they’re still vulnerable to infection and decay when not taken care of properly. Listed below are a few simple ways to secure your infant’s oral health.

Your Dental Health

One important way to maintain your child’s dental health is to maintain your own. Not only does this lead to good habits for the both of you, it can prevent bacteria from spreading. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, bacteria called streptococcus mutans can spread from mothers to their infants, which can lead to dental decay.


It’s important to keep your infant’s mouth clean. Bacteria can grow in their mouth and around their gums, creating infections even before baby teeth set in. Clean your infant’s mouth at least twice a day or after each meal. Wash your hands, then wrap clean, damp gauze around your finger, and gently wipe your baby’s gums.


Scheduling a dental appointment is a sure way to prevent problems. You should see a dentist regularly to make sure your teeth are healthy before and after your child is born. When your child turns 1 year old, or their first tooth appears, take your infant in for their first dental appointment.

By taking care of your dental health, you can take care of your infant’s. Create good habits, schedule checkups, and clean regularly. Teeth or no teeth, oral health is important, and keeping up with it will benefit you and your child in the long run.