The Importance of Early Detection

April was Oral Cancer Awareness Month, which got me thinking about how important oral cancer screenings are as part of your regular dental hygiene routine. We perform screenings during every cleaning and exam. It’s particularly important because many oral cancers don’t have dramatic symptoms in their early stages. Early detection also significantly increases the survival rate of oral cancer patients.

While everyone should be screened for oral cancer at least once per year, there are certain groups that are at an elevated risk for developing the disease. The biggest risk factors are smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco. Excessive alcohol consumption, sun exposure, and human papillomavirus (HPV) also increase a patient’s likelihood of developing oral cancer. It’s more common in males than females, and a higher incidence rate occurs in those above age 50.

An expert may be required for a diagnosis, but you can do a basic screening at home. To start, examine the sides and underside of your tongue for any patches or discoloration. From there, move to your lips and the inside of your cheeks, feeling for any bumps and looking for any red or white patches. Do the same for the floor of your mouth and your soft palate. It’s also worth checking for swollen lymph nodes, but remember that those can signify any number of problems, not just oral cancer.

The presence of symptoms is not a surefire sign of oral cancer. Our mouths are complicated, and it’s important to make sure that you verify any cause for concern with a professional. At Eagle Dental Care, we are happy to offer oral cancer screenings in between regularly scheduled visits. If you feel you could benefit from a screening, give us a call today.