Why Do My Teeth & Gums Hurt?

Why do my teeth hurt?

If you’ve asked yourself the question “Why do my teeth hurt?” recently, then you might want to consider a visit to the dentist. There is a number of reasons as to why your teeth might hurt. It could be anything from an abscess or deep cavity to a cracked or chipped tooth. Regardless, you’ll want to address the exact reason why your teeth hurt as soon as you can.

Although it can be difficult to just pay to find out what’s wrong, trust us when we say it’s worth it. Dental issues aren’t issues that just disappear or go away, but rather continue to haunt you until fixed. Bottom line, if your teeth hurt, fix them.

It’s difficult to say how we would go about addressing each individual option, but we can tell you that they all require a visit to the dentist. This isn’t a sales pitch, it’s just the hard truth. If you live here in Eagle, Idaho we recommend you call and make an appointment for as soon as you can.

Why do my teeth hurt?

Why do my gums hurt?

Maybe you know it’s not your teeth but rather your gums that are causing you pain. What’s the first step? Well, much like if your teeth hurt, you should see your dentist as soon as you can. Secondly, you can try to figure out what it is based on this criteria:

  • Is there bleeding, swelling, or redness?
  • Do your gums hurt from small white sores?
  • If you press around your gums do you feel pain deep down where a root might be?

If you answered yes to any of these you should visit your dentist. Your gums could be suffering from gum disease, an abscess, or even oral cancer.

Why do my gums hurt?
Why do my gums hurt?

Canker sores are not a reason to immediately visit. However, if your gums hurt from them frequently or if they don’t go away, you should schedule an appointment.

You can get an infection in your gums from something as simple as eating popcorn. Check out this blog post for more details on why popcorn can be dangerous. Your gums could also be suffering from the gum disease gingivitis. That could very easily be the reason your gums hurt. Be sure to read more about how good oral hygiene can actually save your life on our blog.

What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis is a gum disease that causes irritation, redness, and swelling of the gums. While gingivitis can be caught and treated early, it’s important to not let if fester for too long. It can cause your gums to hurt significantly and even require surgery if not properly taken care of.

Symptoms of gingivitis include swollen or puffy gums, red or dark red gums, gums that bleed easily when brushing or flossing, bad breath, receding gums, and gums that are tender to the touch.

The most common cause is plaque on your teeth that eventually becomes tartar. With simple and consistent brushing and flossing you can avoid this problem. Also avoid tobacco products, they can quickly lead to gum diseases including gingivitis.